The treatment of varicose veins by compression sclerotherapy

Two hundred and eighty-four patients (348 legs) with varicose veins were treated by compression sclerotherapy and reviewed 1–4 years later. Successful results were obtained at the end of a course of treatment in 89 per cent and after an interval of 3–4 years in 68 per cent. The majority of recurrences presented within 2 years. Factors affecting the results were examined. Women whose varicose veins first appeared in relation to a pregnancy and those whose symptoms were aggravated at the time of menstruation had significantly better results than the group as a whole. Patients with varicose veins who had previously been treated by surgery or sclerotherapy had a success rate not significantly different to that for new patients. Local thrombophlebitis following injection was not uncommon and the success rate in this group was not significantly different from that in the whole group.
Funding Information
  • The varicose vein clinic at its inception