Testicular Function in Patients With Testicular Cancer Treated With Orchiectomy Alone or Orchiectomy Plus Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy

Gonadal function was evaluated in 25 patients with metastatic testicular cancer who were treated with orchiectomy plus chemotherapy with cisplatin, vinblastine, and bleomycin (PVB) and in 21 patients with clinical stage I disease who were treated only with orchiectomy and then kept under surveillance. Four years after PVB treatment, none of the patients were azoospermic; after 5 years, the total sperm counts in 46% of the patients had reached their pretreatment levels. In the group under surveillance, sperm counts below the reference level persisted or developed in 55% of the patients. Sperm production was similar in the two groups of patients 1.5 years after treatment and beyond. We conclude that spermatogenesis is not restored in all patients treated with PVB because of both preexisting germ cell defects and treatment toxicity. [J Natl Cancer Inst 81:1246–1250, 1989]