Fission of doubly even actinide nuclei induced by direct reactions

Fission probability distributions have been measured by (t,pf), (t,αf), (t,tf), (p,pf), (He3,df), and (He3,αf) reactions with bombarding energies of 15, 16, 20, 22.5, 24, and 24 MeV, respectively. Using targets of Th230,232, Pa231, U234,236,238, Np237, Pu240,242, Am243, and Cm248 the fission decay of Th230,232,234, U232,236,238,240, Pu238,242,244, and Cm244,248,250 was studied. Subbarrier vibrational resonances were observed for Th234, U236,238,240, Pu242, and Cm250. The results are analyzed with a statistical model which involves resonant penetration of the double-humped fission barrier. Estimates of the heights and curvature of the two peaks in the fission barrier are obtained for Th, U, Pu, and Cm isotopes and these values are compared with various theoretical calculations.