Electron-paramagnetic-resonance spectroscopy of complexes of xanthine oxidase with xanthine and uric acid

Molybdenum(V) e.p.r. signals from reduced functional milk xanthine oxidase molecules (the Rapid signals), obtained in the presence of purine substrates and products, were further investigated [cf. Bray & Vänngård, (1969) Biochem. J. 114, 725-734; Pick & Bray (1969) Biochem. J. 114, 735-742]. Xanthine forms two complexes with the enzyme that are believed to correspond to different orientations of the substrate molecule in the active site. Only one complex appears to undergo the catalytic reaction. Non-productive complexes, analogous to theone with xanthine, are not formed by 1-methylxanthine or purine. Uric acid forms more than one e.p.r.-detectable complex, one of which is analogous to the non-productive xanthine complex. The computer program used for handing the e.p.r. data is described briefly.