Different human B cell subsets respond to interleukin 2 and to a high molecular weight B cell growth factor (BCGF)

After activation by anti-μ antibody human B cells acquire the ability to proliferate in the presence of recombinant interleukin 2 (IL2), a 20-kDa mol. mass B cell growth factor (BCGF) and a high mol. mass BCGF (50-kDa BCGF). An anti-IL2 receptor (IL 2R) monoclonal antibody inhibits the IL2-dependent proliferation without affecting that induced by BCGF. B cells expressing the IL2R after anti-μ antibody activation (IL2R+ cells) were separated from those not expressing IL2R (IL2R cells). IL2 stimulated the proliferation of only IL2R+ cells whereas the 20-kDa BCGF acted on both IL2R+ and IL2R cells. Importantly, the 50-kDa BCGF supported the proliferation of IL2R cells whereas it was inactive on IL2R+ cells. Thus, the B cell subset responding to the 50-kDa BCGF after anti-μ antibody activation is distinct from that responding to IL2.