An Alkylsilyl-Tethered, High-Capacity Solid Support Amenable to Diversity-Oriented Synthesis for One-Bead, One-Stock Solution Chemical Genetics

The synthesis and use of an alkylsilyl-tethered large (500−600 μm) polystyrene resin (1) are disclosed. An optimized Suzuki coupling of bromine-functionalized polystyrene and a silicon-functionalized alkylborane generates the silicon-substituted polystyrene 1 in large scale (>100 g). Resin loading is accomplished by activation as the silyl triflate, which can accommodate even sterically encumbered secondary alcohols and phenols. Treatment with HF/pyridine for linker cleavage is mild, efficient, and amenable to an automated, large-scale distribution system. This platform delivers, minimally, 50 nmol of each small molecule derived from a diversity-oriented, split-pool synthesis on a per bead basis for use in both forward and reverse chemical genetic assays. This technology satisfies many requirements of a one bead−one stock solution approach to chemical genetics.