Microstructure and high temperature magnetic properties of Sm(Co, Cu, Fe, Zr)z (z=6.7–9.1) permanent magnets

The effect of ratio z on the high temperature magnetic properties of Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)z magnets have been examined in a range of ratio z values from 6.7 to 9.1. Reasonably high coercivity at room temperature has been achieved in all the magnets. It was found that the lower the ratio z, the smaller the temperature coefficient of coercivity. When the ratio z=7.0, a temperature coefficient of coercivity of −0.03%/°C can be achieved, which is more than eight times smaller than the magnet with z=8.5. A coercivity of more than 10 kOe has been obtained at 773 K for the newly developed magnets, which is believed to be the highest coercivity at 773 K ever reported. Transmission electron microscope studies showed that the cell size decreases with the decrease of the ratio z, while the density of lamella phase remains almost the same. This suggests that smaller cell size leads to a smaller temperature coefficient of intrinsic coercivity.