Atomic Displacement Relationship to Curie Temperature and Spontaneous Polarization in Displacive Ferroelectrics

The phase transition from nonpolar to polar in displacive ferroelectric crystals is accompanied by the displacement Δz of certain atoms from their higher-temperature symmetry positions. A study of all displacive ferroelectrics in which atomic positions have been determined has shown that a fundamental relationship exists between Δz and the Curie temperature TC. This relation has been form TC=(K2k)(Δz)2, where K has the dimensions of a force constant, k is Boltzmann's constant, and TC is in absolute units. A least-squares fit, based on Δz and TC for ten different ferroelectrics, gives K2k=(2.00±0.09)×104°K Å2. In addition, the spontaneous polarization Ps is found to be related to Δz by the equation Ps=(258±9)Δz μC cm2. K is discussed in terms of the interatomic force constant along the polar axis.

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