Physiologic differences in hemoglobin variants

Studies were carried out on whole blood, concentrated hemoglobin solutions, and isolated hemoglobin fractions as related to oxygen association. In hemoglobins Ao, A1, Dalpha, GPhiladelphia, and C, no difference was found in the oxygen association curve. Hemoglobins A1, B2, and Lepore showed a 2½ fold increased oxygen association over normal Hb-A. Hemoglobin solutions from cord blood showed no difference from Hb-A, whereas cord blood showed a twofold increase. Hb-H and Hb-Barts showed identical oxygen association curves with a 10- to 12-fold increase over Hb-A; no heme-heme interaction and no Bohr was found with Hb-H or Barts. Hb-E and Hb-S showed a slight decrease in oxygen equilibria over hemoglobin A.