The investigations which form the subject of this paper were undertaken at the Pasteur Institute, on the suggestion of M. Mesnil. It is a pleasure to acknowledge my great indebtedness to M. Mesnil for the help and advice he so willingly rendered me whilst I worked in his laboratory. M. Nicolle and he very kindly placed at my disposal their unique collection of colours, which had been supplied them by various firms (notably the Farbenfabriken of Elberfeld). By their suggestions, without which this work would not have been accomplished, they saved me much time and labour. MM. Nicolle and Mesnil had been studying the influence of a large number of colours on various trypanosomes, chiefly Trypanosoma Brucei and to a less extent T. Evansi, T. equinum, and T. Gambiense. Their work was undertaken after the publication of Ehrlich and Shiga's paper on the action of Trypanroth, one of the benzidine colours, on Trypanosoma equinum. M. Mesnil suggested that I should investigate the action of these colours on T. dimorphon which differs in many ways from the above trypanosomes.