On the analysis of transverse stress gauge data from shock loading experiments

The importance of understanding the variation of shear strength with pressure in the formulation of constitutive models has long been recognized. Previously, this had been deduced by measurements of the offset of the Hugoniot curve for a material from the calculated hydrostat. In recent papers, a direct measurement technique has been suggested in which both principal components of stress are measured using piezoresistive gauges. The reduction of the data collected from transverse stress gauges has attracted some debate and is reviewed here. In particular, the stress and strain states experienced by the gauge must be considered. The hardening of the gauge with longitudinal stress or pressure was investigated. Examples from experiments in metals and ceramics are given. The effect of gauge geometry was assessed and results show that the measured stresses from either gauge were within 0.5% of each other when subjected to identical impact conditions. An investigation was also performed on the effect of insulation thickness around the gauge and again no effect on the measured stress was found.