The crystal structure of the compound Na-CuCrF7 (orthorhombic, a = 710.0, b = 1033.8, c = 751.8 pm, Z = 4) was refined in space group Pmnb to Rg= 0.028 (1545 independent reflections). The Jahn-Teller distortion of the CuF6 -octahedra (Cu-F = 191.1/193.8/212.4 pm. mean 199.1 pm) reduces the symmetry compared to the body-centered orthorhombic weberite type, to which it is otherwise closely related. The CrF6 -octahedra. interconnecting parallel chains of CuF6 -octahedra, are nearly undistorted (mean Cr-F = 190.6 pm). Na2CuFeF7 exhibits a supercell with a different structure (monoclinic, a = 2468.7, b = 734.7, c = 1245.2 pm, β = 99.29°, Z = 16). It may be interpreted as a new intermediate type between orthorhombic and trigonal weberites. Preliminary results obtained from refinement in space group A2/n (Rg = 0.076) are given and discussed (mean values Cu-F = 199 pm, Fe - F = 192 pm).