Meson-baryon dynamics in the nucleon-antinucleon system. II. Annihilation into two mesons

The annihilation of the nucleon-antinucleon (NN¯) system into two mesons including π, η, η’, ρ, ω, δ, a1, a2, f2 as well as K and K* is studied in a distorted-wave Born-approximation approach, in the conventional framework based on nucleon, delta-isobar, and hyperon (Λ,Σ,Y*) exchange. Results for branching ratios are in fair agreement with the data; they show a strong sensitivity to the kind of initial-state interaction used. For polarizations and backward differential cross-section data of pp¯π+ π,K+ K, there are characteristic discrepancies between experiment and model predictions; possible reasons are discussed.