Bathing / Hygiene Self‐Care Deficit: Defining Characteristics and Related Factors Across Age Groups and Diagnosis‐Related Groups in an Acute Care Setting

The purpose of this descriptive study was to validate the nursing diagnosis, bathing/hygine self‐care deficit. Defining characteristics and related factors were abstracted retrospectively from a computerized patient care planning database. Data were treated to descriptive statistics and chi‐square analysis to determine frequencies and percentages. Major support was found for the defining characteristic “inability to wash body or body parts” (84%) and minor support was garnered for “inability to obtain/access water source” (77%). Related factors associated with the diagnosis were also examined for this acute‐care patient population. The percentages of occurrence were decreased activity tolerance (40%); mobility impairment (24%). pain (19%), musculoskeletal impairment (19%), neuromuscular impairment (9%), and perceptual or cognitive impairment (4%). The diagnosis was found among 80 DRCs and across all age groups (range, 9–92 years).

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