Local polaron effects in mixed-valence systems: Exact model calculation in the limit of large degeneracy

The Anderson impurity model including a linear coupling to a local boson mode is solved exactly in the large-degeneracy limit for infinitely large ff Coulomb repulsion. Ground-state properties and the f-level Green's function are discussed. For a small boson frequency ω0, two different types of mixed-valence behavior occur, depending on the strength v of the electron-phonon coupling. In the weak-coupling limit the "lattice" shows small fluctuations around its average position, while for a strong-coupling v there exists a narrow regime of energies, εf, of the f-level where mixed-valence behavior with large mean-square "lattice" deviations occurs. For finite phonon frequencies ω0, quantum fluctuations smooth out the first-order transition occurring in the limit ω00. In the weak-coupling limit, the mean-field approximation of the electron-phonon coupling, leading to a renormalization of the f-level position, provides a good description of the ground-state properties and the f-level spectrum. In the strong-coupling mixed-valence regime, some ground-state properties can be interpreted in terms of a renormalized f-electron-conduction-electron coupling Δ̃Δ̃exp(vω0)Δ¯. This renormalization does not occur for the width of f-level peak in the one-particle Green's function. In this regime, the f-level spectral function can be described as a superposition of two spectra. The relative weight of these two spectra varies rapidly when εf varies of the order Δ¯ in the transition regime, while the individual spectra change little. The large-boson-frequency limit ("plasmon case") is also discussed with special emphasis on the renormalization occurring in this limit.