Four Years of Ultrasound in Meniere's Disease

The multiplicity of medical regimens and surgical procedures advocated for the treatment of Ménière's disease implies that no form of therapy has yet been accepted as a panacea. During the winter of 1956, an investigation was begun at the Northwestern University Medical School to determine the affect of Arslan's1-3 ultrasonic technique on the monkey labyrinth.4 In May, 1957, the first of a series of 50 clinical patients was operated on at the Chicago Wesley Memorial Hospital. The difficulties of assessing the value of treatment in this disorder are quite obvious due to the natural remissions of the disease with or without treatment. The average duration in McNally's study was 4 years,5 and for this reason he considered that a minimum period of 5 years, free from symptoms, is necessary before a cure could be determined. On that basis, this report is a bit premature but is considered