The mutagenic effects of X-rays ethylene imine (EI) and ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) have been studied on the small seeded cultivated Swedish variety of Vicia faba. The primary effects of the mutagen on the seedlings emerged and intensity of spotting on the first two leaves indicate clearly that they are dose dependent and increase with the increase in dose concentration. The percentage of survival is also dose dependent. Meiosis of X1 and X2 were investigated. Different types of chromosome aberrations observed have been briefly reported. A short description of the mutations and morphological deviations observed in the X1 and X2 is presented. Besides the usual mutations some other abnormalities such as cytomixis and faulty development of root system have been mentioned. These abnormalities are considered to be effects of the mutagens and interpreted as another types of mutations. Varying degrees of pollen sterility was observed in the X2. This is interpreted as being due at least partially to non-chromosomic phenomena. It may be due to cytoplasmically inherited male sterility. It is also pointed out that the intensity of spotting in the X1 as the primary effect of the treatment and the frequency of mutations in the X2 seem to be independent phenomena. The possibility of utilizing the mutations obtained in the X2 for further genetic studies and gene analysis of Vicia faba genom have been briefly mentioned.