Editor's Mote: In recent tines It has been recognized by academics and practitioners in the field of engineering economics of the necessity of an active, continuing research program. Such s program will provide improvements in the state-of-the-art along with development of the manpower required Co carry on the profession. In 1983, specific activities were initiated to increase the awareness of research activity within the profession and to identify those research areas of greateat need or promise On August 24–29, 1984, the National Science Foundation sponsored the Research Planning Conference on Engineering Economics at Mountain Lake, Virginia. The following report describes this important meeting and the recommendations that resulted. Because of the importance of this meeting to the profession, this summary has been Included here. The proceedings resulting from this planning conference are available free of charge by contacting U. J. Fabrycky, Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061.

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