Spinal Cord Infarction Demonstrated on Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging With a Single-shot Fast Spin-echo Sequence

We describe the diffusion-weighted (DW) MR imaging findings in three cases of spinal cord infarction using a recently developed single-shot fast spin-echo (SSFSE) technique. The SSFSE-DW MR images, which were obtained 20 hours, 3 days, and 18 days, respectively, after the ischemic event, demonstrated conspicuous areas of hyperintensity in the affected portions. Follow-up DW MR images, obtained in two of the patients at 17 days and 3 months, respectively, showed persistent decreased apparent diffusion coefficient values. SSFSE-DW imaging of the spinal cord may provide additional information for assessment of ischemic changes. diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, spinal cord, ischemia, infarction