Double dissociation of function within the hippocampus: A comparison of dorsal, ventral, and complete hippocampal cytotoxic lesions.

Rats with complete cytotoxic hippocampal lesions exhibited spatial memory impairments in both the water maze and elevated T maze. They were hyperactive in photocell cages; swam faster in the water maze; and were less efficient on a nonspatial, differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL) task. Performance on both spatial tasks was also impaired by selective dorsal but not ventral lesions; swim speed was increased by ventral but not dorsal lesions. Both partial lesions caused a comparable reduction in DRL efficiency, although these effects were smaller than those of complete lesions. Neither partial lesion induced hyperactivity when rats were tested in photocell cages, although both complete and ventral lesion groups showed increased activity after footshock in other studies (Richmond et al., 1999). These results demonstrate possible functional dissociations along the septotemporal axis of the hippocampus.