Establishment of the Embryo‐derived Stem (ES) Cell Lines from Mouse Blastocysts: Effects of the Feeder Cell Layer.

The ES cell lines are embryo-derived stem cell lines directly isolated from the inner cell mass of mouse blastocysts using feeder cell layer. We have established a number of ES cell lines from 129 or C57BL/6 strain mice by using the feeder layer of the STO cells (from ATCC) or the primary embryonic fibroblasts, which was obtained by trypsinizing the 16-day-old BALB/c mouse fetus. The ES cell lines established on the STO feeder layer showed differentiation into various tissues in solid tumors when injected into syngenic mice. Karyotype was, however, nearly tetraploid. The ES cell lines established on the primary fibroblasts exhibited differentiation into larger variety of tissues in solid tumors. Karyotype was almost diploid and majority of the cells kept normal set of chromosomes in G-banding. We conclude that the primary fibroblasts are better feeder layer than the STO cells for establishment and maintenance of the ES cell lines.