Expression of High Molecular Weight Polypeptides by Carnation Mottle Virus RNA

In vitro translation of virion RNA from carnation mottle virus (CarMV) in a messenger RNA-dependent rabbit reticulocyte lysate (MDL) resulted in the synthesis of four virus-specific polypeptides of apparent Mr 100000 (P100), 77000 (P77), 38000 (P38) and 30000 (P30). Partial peptide mapping experiments and in vitro translation in the presence of partially purified calf liver amber suppressor tRNA demonstrated that P30, P77 and P100 are a series of overlapping polypeptides generated by a double readthrough mechanism. In addition we report the infection of Chenopodium quinoa protoplasts with CarMV. The viral coat protein was detected in virus-infected protoplasts. Only one other infection-specific protein with an apparent Mr of 100000 corresponded in size to any of the other in vitro translation products.