A 2.5 kb Polypyrimidine Tract in the PKD1 Gene Contains at Least 23 H-DNA-Forming Sequences

A pyrimidine-rich element (PyRE), present in the 21st intron of the PKD1 gene, posed a significant obstacle in determining the primary structure of the gene. Only cycle sequencing of nested, single-stranded phage templates of the CT-rich strand enabled complete and accurate sequence data. Similar attempts on the GA-rich strand were unsuccessful. The resulting primary structure showed the 3 kb 21st intron to contain a 2.5 kb PyRE, whose sensestrand is 97% C + T. The PKD1 PyRE does not appear to be polymorphic based on RFLP analysis of DNA from 6 unrelated individuals digested with 9 different restriction enzymes. This is the largest pyrimidine tract sequenced to date, being over twice as large as those previously identified and shows little homology to other polypyrimidine tracts. Additional analysis of this PyRE revealed the presence of 23 mirror repeats with stem lengths of at least 10 nucleotides. The 23 H-DNA-forming sequences in the PKD1 PyRE exceed the cumulative total of 22 found in 157 human genes that have been completely sequenced. The mirror repeats confer this region of the PKD1 gene with a strong probability of forming H-DNA or triplex structures under appropriate conditions. Based on studies with PyRE found in other eukaryotic genes, the PKD1 PyRE may play a role in regulating PKD1 expression, and its potential for forming an extended triplex structure may explain some of the observed instability in the PKD1 locus.