Amino Acid Sequence of the 'b5-like' Heme-Binding Domain from Chicken Sulfite Oxidase

We present in this paper the sequence of the heme‐binding domain of chicken sulfite oxidase, which can be obtained by chymotryptic digestion of the native enzyme. The results of an automatic degradation have been reported previously. In the present work peptides were obtained from the heme‐binding domain by digestion with trypsin, chymotrypsin and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease; they were manually sequenced by the dansyl/Edman procedure. The evidence thus obtained is sufficient to completely establish the order of the 97 residues. In addition, two rounds of Edman degradation on sulfite oxidase itself allowed us to identify the same two residues, H‐Ala‐Pro, present at the N‐terminus of the heme‐binding domain; this result suggests that the latter constitutes the amino‐terminal end of the sulfite oxidase peptide chain. The data presented here confirm the strong similarity between sulfite oxidase and microsomal cytochrome b5 already suggested by our first results. A sequence alignment is proposed for the two proteins. Inspection of the calf liver cytochrome b5 three‐dimensional model together with the alignment suggests a similar overall structure for sulfite oxidase core with a limited number of backbone modifications. Our results point to a common evolutionary origin for sulfite oxidase core and microsomal cytochrome b5.