Axial bone density in rheumatoid arthritis: comparison of dual-energy projection radiography and dual-photon absorptiometry.

The usefulness of dual-energy projection radiography (DEPR) in the evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis was compared with that of dual-photon absorptiometry (DPA). Bone density measurements of the lumbar spine and the proximal femur were obtained with DPA in 75 patients (45 women and 30 men). For comparison, the bone density of the lumbar spine was measured with DEPR in a subset of 52 patients (33 women and 19 men). High correlation was documented between DEPR and DPA measurements of the lumbar spine. No significant relationship between bone density and age was observed, in contrast to the known relationship in healthy subjects regardless of sex, site of measurement, or measurement technique. Bone density values in the spine and the proximal femur were significantly reduced for both sexes as compared with matched normative data. Interlevel variation in lumbar vertebral density as measured with DEPR was not significantly different in patients with rheumatoid arthritis as compared with control subjects. Significant correlation between bone density determinations and body weight, as well as duration of menopause, was noted, whereas duration of disease, functional status, and cumulative corticosteroid dose were not predictive. Rheumatoid arthritis did not appear to influence the relationship between DEPR and DPA measurements of the spine, and neither method nor site of measurement exhibited a consistent advantage in discriminating patients with rheumatoid arthritis from healthy control subjects.