Spectroscopic study of vanadium in GaP and GaAs

The near-infrared optical-absorption, luminescence, and luminescence-excitation spectra of liquid-encapsulation Czochralski-grown, vanadium- (V) doped GaP and GaAs have been investigated. The behavior of the characteristic V emission has been studied in magnetic fields up to 5.3 T. An analysis of the data within the framework of crystal-field theory indicates that the V-induced optical bands arise from crystal-field transitions within nonassociated V2+3d3 ions in the strong-field (low-spin) case. The electron-spinresonance spectrum of semi-insulating GaAs:V contains a characteristic signal which is identified as isolated V3+3d2. The characteristics of this signal show that V can act as a deep acceptor. The distribution coefficient of V in GaAs is close to that of Cr in GaAs.