Eighty nine primary breast cancers were investigated forthe expression of TGF-β1 and ER mRNA usingPCR of reverse transcribed RNA. PCR products werevalidated using Southern blots and hybridization with radiolabelledcDNA probes. TGFβ1 mRNA was found to beexpressed in 56/89 (63%) of the breast cancerswhile ER mRNA was expressed in 23/89 (26%)of the tumours. Using chi-square analysis TGF-β mRNAexpression was found to correlate significantly with ERmRNA expression (p < 0.001), in that virtuallyall tumours that expressed ER mRNA co-expressed TGFβ1.In tumours that were ER mRNA negative, TGFβ1expression was more variable. These results suggest thatduring tumour progression, ER expression is lost morefrequently than is growth factor expression.

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