The following digenetic trematodes were found in the alimentary tract of American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) from the Scotian Shelf and Gulf of St. Lawrence: Derogenes varicus, Fellodistomum furcigerum, Lecithaster gibbosus, Stenakron vetustum, Steringotrema ovacutum, Zoogonoides viviparus, Hemiurus levinseni, Otodistomum veliporum (larvae), Podocotyle atomon, Prosorhyncus squamatus.The incidence of several trematode species changed with length of fish and associated changes in the fish’s diet. Incidence of D. varicus and S. vetustum decreased with increase of host length, whereas incidence of R. ovacutum and Z. viviparus increased. Lecithaster gibbosus and S. furciger showed little change in incidence. Correlations between parasite incidence and frequency of occurrence of food items indicated that small crustaceans may be intermediate hosts for S. vetustum and D. varicus; sea urchins may be intermediate hosts for R. ovacutum and brittle stars for Z. viviparus.

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