A theoretical treatment for the NMR absorption line shape of a tetrahedral group of protons under the influence of tunneling has been developed for the particular case of NH4+ ions. For the applied field parallel to a twofold axis of the ion the derived line shapes depend on a single splitting parameter J. This is a measure of the tunneling splitting of the torsional ground state in comparison to the dipolar energy of the ion. As J varies from 0 to the calculated line shapes are found to vary between the limiting cases of the distinguishable proton (four spin ½) and indistinguishable proton (spin isomeric) situations, respectively. These theoretical line shapes are compared with the observed "rigid-lattice" line shapes reported for the halides NH4Cl, NH4Br, and NH4I. NH4Cl and NH4Br are found to be consistent with J=0 although the line shape of the latter exhibits an unexplained departure near the center of the resonance. NH4I is found to exhibit observable splitting effects (J=3.3) in which tunneling has displaced one absorption component sufficiently into the wings to be resolved.