The use of plasmid R1162 and derivatives for gene cloning in the methanol-utilizing Pseudomonas AM1

Summary A physical map for plasmid R1162 (Sm, Su, IncP4) was constructed. Neither EcoRI, PstI nor EcaI cut within a region essential for replication, mobilization or streptomycin resistence. Plasmid R1162 can replicate in E. coli as well as in Pseudomonas species and shows a strong dependence for DNA polymerase I in E. coli. By RP4 induced mobilization, R1162 can be transferred from E. coli to Pseudomonas AM1. A hybrid plasmid pFG7 (MW=8.4×106, Sm, Su, Ap, Tc) was constructed between pBR322 and R1162, which allows the selection of hybrid plasmids by insertional inactivation with the restriction enzymes HindIII, BamHI, SalI, ClaI. Transformation of E. coli SK1592 with EcaI-cut and ligated R1162-DNA and Pseudomonas AM1-DNA and subsequent mobilization of the hybrid plasmids into Pseudomonas AM1/M15a (methanol dehydrogenase-) led to the isolation of Pseudomonas AM1/M15a colonies, which could grow on methanol again. Back-conjugation into E. coli SK1592, subsequent mobilization studies and plasmid analysis suggests that the gene for Pseudomonas methanol dehydrogenase has been cloned in this vector.