Correlations between parameters of body selenium status and peripheral thyroid parameters in the low selenium region

The following were measured in 380 male and female inhabitants of Prague (in the age range 6–65 years): selenium in serum and urine, iodine in urine, thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyroid volume, thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), ankle jerk time, pulse rate and body fat. Correlations were calculated to assess the influence of Se upon the thyroid hormone parameters and their peripheral effects in Se-deficient regions both by using the linear correlation analysis and by using the multiple linear correlation analysis and the analysis of variance. Many significant linear correlations were found for whole groups of examined persons, for the individual groups (boys, men, girls and women) as well as for subgroups, according to the age and sex. We conclude, from the analytical results of Se indices (serum, hair, urine) reported previously, and on the basis of the statistical demonstration of the influence of selenium upon thyroid hormone levels and the peripheral effects in the group of Prague inhabitants in connection with the previously documented role of Se in pathways resulting in the synthesis of physiologically active thyroid hormone, that inhabitants of Prague are selenium deficient. Concurrent deficiency of selenium may modify and even worsen iodine deficiency disorders of various stages. Multiple linear correlation analysis followed by analysis of variance of subgroups indicated a coincidence of the effects of some measured parameters upon the peripheral manifestation of the thyroid hormone state as well as highlighting the effect of other independent variables of thyroid hormone metabolism than those measured in the study. An application of the correlation between selenium indices and thyroid hormones and their peripheral effects is suggested for the biological assessment of the magnitude of selenium deficiency in the inhabitants of selenium deficient areas.