The Equilibrium Factor F

Consideration of the equilibrium factor F between the concentration of the radon daughters and the concentration of radon is a part of the evaluation of the measurements of radon daughter concentrations in dwellings when applying limits. Measurements of radon, radon daughters and air exchange rates have been carried out in 225 dwellings in Sweden. The F-factors have been compared with the theoretical model described by Wicke, taking into account the wall effect. The parameters of the model are discussed. The situation of the dwelling and the habits of the occupants can be expected to have the greatest importance for the F-factors although the ventilation rate is usually the most important modifying factor. For low air exchange rates (1 < 0.30 hr−1) the probability that the F-factors were between 0.28 and 0.74 was 95% calculated according to the t-distribution. The arithmetical mean was found to be 0.51. For air exchange rates close to the average rate (0.30 < I < 0.60 hr−1), the F-factors were between 0.21 and 0.66 with a mean of 0.43, and for high air exchange rates (I > 0.60 hr−1) the F-factors were between 0.21 and 0.47 with a mean value of 0.33.

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