Future Manpower Requirements for Orthodontics Undertaken in the General Dental Service

The fall in the number of births in England and Wales which took place between 1964 and 1977 is beginning to have an effect on the present-day demand for orthodontic treatment. Using the best available data a mathematical model has been used to predict the likely demand for orthodontic treatment in the General Dental Services of England and Wales from now until 2008. This suggests that there is likely to be a sharp decline in the number of new orthodontic patients presenting for treatment at practices limited to orthodontics during the next 5 years. The recent expansion in the number of places available for postgraduate study of orthodontics makes it extremely unlikely that the position will improve significantly thereafter. There can be little doubt that we are now producing too many orthodontic specialists even allowing for the increase in manpower which might be required to satisfy a future demand for higher standards of treatment.