Absence of a Prostaglandinic Mediator in the Lateral Hypothalamic Cardiovascular Inhibition

(3 figures) The cardiovascular inhibition elicited by electrical stimulation of the paraventricular nucleus in the lateral hypothalamus of anaesthesized and desafferentiated dogs is not linked with a mediator release like PGE. The effect of this biological agent is not registered in the isolated femoral artery of a receiver, after deviation by a cruised circulation of the arterial blood of a hypothalamic stimulated donor dog. Antipyretics, which are also prostaglandin-synthetase inhibitors, enhance the lateral hypothalamic reactions. As the thermoregulation centre is localized in the same region as the cardio-vascular inhibition centre and because lowering of temperature depends upon vasodilation and decrease in the general cellular metabolism, both functions of the paraventricular nucleus activity, a hypothesis is proposed that thermoregulation and cardio-vascular inhibition centres are a functional and anatomical unity.