Inherited thrombophilia and pregnancy associated venous thromboembolism

How common are thromboembolic complications among pregnant women?Venous thromboembolism occurs in 10 per 100 000 women of childbearing age and affects 100 per 100 000 pregnancies.3 Inherited thrombophilia is present in 30%-50% of women with pregnancy associated venous thromboembolism,3w1 with factor V Leiden being the most frequently identified inherited thrombophilia in the white population (table 1⇓). Non-inherited conditions that increase the risk of venous thromboembolism in pregnancyGeneral conditionsw2 Previous venous thromboembolism Obesityw3 w4 Prolonged immobilisation Major trauma Surgeryw5 Cardiac diseasew3 w4 Antiphospholipid antibodies Malignancy Pregnancy related conditions Older maternal agew3 w4 w6 Multiple pregnancyw3 Gestation <36 weeksw3 Caesarean sectionw3 w7 View this table: In this window In a new window Table 1 Prevalence and risk of venous thromboembolism during pregnancy in relation to inherited thombophilias