Chemotaxis of larval soybean cyst nematode,Heterodera glycines Race 3, to root leachates and ions

Second-stage larvae of the soybean cyst nematodeHeterodera glycines Race 3 were attracted in an in vitro bioassay to pooled leachates of soybean roots that were expressed as root gram-hours (1 g of root/hr/vol). Their responses were dosage dependent with maximal attraction to a 5 root g-hr/ml source. Optimal bioassay conditions used 24 hr for gradient formation and 1.5 hr for larval movement. Individual plants produced leachate with little variation in biological activity. Production was constant for five days of preparation. The attractive activity of root leachate declined with storage at 4 °C and heating over 30 °C, but loss of activity was reduced by freezing. Extraction and Sep-Pak fractionation indicated that the attractions(s) was water-soluble. Larvae were attracted also to several ionic solutions.