Sul trasporto dei glucidi nelle piante superiori: I. — Aspetti biochimici

CARBOHYDRATE TRANSLOCATION IN HIGHER PLANTS. I. - BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS. — The concentration of soluble sugars and of hexose phosphates and the activity of several enzymes involved in hexose activation and polysaccaride synthesis have been investigated, separately, in the phloematic tissue and in the medullar parenchyma of Cucurbita Pepo internodes. In the phloematic tissue (including sieve tubes, companion cells and phloematic parenchyma) the concentration of free hexoses appeared of about 50% lower, and that of glucose-6-P and of sucrose of about 100% higher then in the medullar parenchyma. Consistent amounts of raffinose were found only in the phloematic tissue. Paper chromatograms of the sieve tube exudate showed the presence of raffinose and sucrose in a ratio close to unity, and no appreciable amounts of free hexoses. Determination of enzyme activity on preparations obtained from homogenates from the two types of tissue by repeated ammonium sulfate precipitation showed in the phloematic tissue a high activity of the enzymes hexokinase, UDP-kinase, UDPG-pyrophosphorylase and inorganic pyrophosphatase. The presence in the same tissue of galactosekinase, UDP-Gal-pyrophosphorylase and UDPG-epimerase was also ascertained. On a protein basis, the activity of UDPG-pyrophosphorylase, inorganic pyrophosphatase and hexokinase appared about 3 times higher in the phloematic tissue than in the parenchyma; while this difference between the two tissues was not so marked for phosphofructokinase, and very small for other enzymes such as ATP-ase and phosphomono-esterase. These results suggest that the very high activity, in the phloem cells neighbouring the sieve tubes, of the enzyme system catalyzing oligopolysaccaride synthesis could be an important component of the mechanism involved in the accumulation of oligopolysaccarides in the sieve tubes, and thus in sugar translocation. A scheme is proposed according to which the ATP and UTP energy would be utilized by the phloem cells to reach and to maintein a concentration of soluble sugars consistently higher than that prevailing in the contiguous tissues.