The results of three field trials which were established in 1976 to determine the feasibility of increasing wood production of Pinus radiata by fertilisation of thinned stands are described after four years of growth following the fertilisation treatments. The stands of about 20 years of age were producing an average of 14 m3 ha−1 stem-wood per year. The extra volume of wood growth resulting from fertilisation averaged 4.2 m3 ha−1 a1 for all sites, and 5.9 m3 ha−1 a−1 for the two most responsive sites, the latter being 37% over that obtained from unfertilised stands. Fifty per cent of the extra volume was added to the largest one-third of trees in the stands. A dominant tree of diameter (bhob) 27.0 cm in 1976 became 30.7 cm in 1980 if unfertilised and 32.8 cm if fertilised, an increase of 2.1 cm. The responses obtained were inversely proportional to both the relative growth rates of unfertilised stands following thinning, and to the nitrogen concentration in the foliage of unfertilised trees measured in the year following fertilisation. Some soil/plant relationships have been examined for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur. Fertilisation at this age appeared to at least ‘break-even’ if costs were amortised at an interest rate of 6%. However, fertilisation may also be a useful means of increasing yields at relatively short notice and allow increased flexibility in harvesting and other forest operations.