Defect Properties of CuInS2 Single Crystals Grown by Horizontal Bridgman Method with Controlling S Vapor Pressure

We have analyzed the lattice defects of CuInS2 bulk single crystals prepared by the horizontal Bridgman method with controlling S vapor pressure. The grown crystals have p-type conduction and electrical resistivities of more than 103 Ω·cm at room temperature. From measurements of the Hall effect, photoluminescence, optical absorption and photoconductivity, the activation energies of acceptors in CuInS2 crystals are shown to be of 85 meV, 115 meV and 360 meV, which are respectively ascribed to Cu-vacancies, In-vacancies and extrinsic impurities; whereas donors of 35 meV activation energy are ascribed to S-vacancies.