Immunohistochemical expression of human chorionic gonadotropin and P-glycoprotein in human pituitary glands and craniopharyngiomas

✓ In order to clarify the cellular origin of craniopharyngiomas, the authors examined the distribution of P-glycoprotein (PGP) and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in five normal adenohypophyses and in 23 craniopharyngiomas using peroxidase immunohistochemistry. The correlation between the expression of PGP in craniopharyngiomas and the recurrence of these tumors was also investigated. A number of pars intermedia cyst-lining cells immunostained positively for anti-PGP antibodies. A small number of adenohypophysial cells were also positive for PGP, but squamous epithelial nests were negative in all samples. However, HCG-β was consistently demonstrated in adenohypophysial cells, pars intermedia cyst-lining cells, and squamous epithelial nests. In 11 craniopharyngiomas, the apical portion of cuboidal cells and some polygonal cells immunostained positively with anti-PGP antibodies. In four HCG-producing craniopharyngiomas, a large number of tumor cells were immunostained with anti-PGP antibodies, three of w...