The Effect of Anastrazole on Symptomatic Uterine Leiomyomata

To evaluate the effect of anastrazole on symptomatic uterine leiomyomata. This was a prospective intervention study carried out in a university department of obstetrics and gynecology. Forty-one premenopausal women eligible for hysterectomy with 45 uterine leiomyomata were enrolled and treated with anastrazole 1 mg daily for three cycles of 28 days each. The effect of treatment was evaluated on leiomyoma and uterine volumes, endometrial thickness, gonadotrophins, estradiol and hematocrit levels, menstrual pattern, severity of leiomyoma-related symptoms, and adverse effects. The effects of leiomyoma location, size, and age of participants on tumor volume changes were evaluated. Thirty-five women with 39 leiomyomata finished the study. Anastrazole resulted in a mean 55.7% reduction of leiomyoma volumes (163 mL to 72 mL, P<.001), a 29.9% reduction in total uterine volumes (278 mL to 195 mL, P<.001), and an 11.3% increase of the hematocrit levels (33.4% to 37.2%, P<.001) at the end of the treatment. Leiomyoma location had no significant effect on volume decrease. Leiomyoma volume decreased in women aged older than 40 years (P=.002), whereas no difference was found in women younger than 40. The size of large (greater than 50 mm) leiomyomata decreased significantly (P=.004). Less difference was observed in small (50 mm or less) leiomyomata (P=.031). No differences were detected in hormonal status. Anastrazole improved leiomyoma-related symptomatology and caused no serious adverse effects. In premenopausal women, anastrazole reduces the size of uterine leiomyomata, improves symptomatology, and is generally well tolerated. III.