Organic anions of human erythrocytes

The anions and cations of normal and anaemic erythrocytes are discussed. It had previously been demonstrated that in normal erythrocytes [Base+] = [Cl-] + [HCO3-] + [Hb-] + [X-] where X-designates hitherto unidentified anions. It was shown that organic phosphates, largely neglected as cell buffers and base-binders, may have a slight buffer and a considerable base-binding function[long dash]particularly in anaemias. Acid-soluble P was shown to be much greater in equivalence than X, indicating that part of the acid-soluble P is complexly combined and unionised. In hypochromic microcytic anaemia there is probably relatively less of the complexly combined form. The base-binding and buffering of gluta-thione appeared to have little significance.