Evolution of chirped light pulses and the steady state regime in passively mode-locked femtosecond dye lasers

A numerical model of passive mode-locking of dye lasers is presented that allows one to study the temporal evolution of modulus and phase of ultrashort light pulses as well as to determine the pulse parameters and the laser frequency of the steady state under various conditions. The round trip equation derived takes into account the full system of density matrix and Maxwell equations for the light-matter interaction where accordingly no limiting assumptions on the pulse parameters are necessary. A possibly occurring photoisomer form of the absorber dye, group velocity dispersion, intensity dependent self-phase modulation and linear loss are included in the model to simulate the most essential mechanisms responsible for the steady state pulse regime in present femtosecond dye lasers. In addition, from a more general point of view passive mode-locking is analysed with respect to coherent pulse propagation through the resonant media