A Modified Cloward's Technique for Arthrodesis of the Normal Metacarpophalangeal Joint in the Horse

A modified Cloward''s technique was performed for arthrodesis of one metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint in eight horses. Dorsal arthrotomies were performed medial and lateral to the common digital extensor tendon and two 16 mm holes were drilled through the joint. A perforated cylindrical stainless steel basket filled with cancellous bone was impacted into each hole. The limbs were supported in casts for 8 weeks. The joints were examined and radiographed at 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 6 months, and 10 months. One horse was euthanatized at week 14 to assess the progress of the arthrodesis. In the other seven horses, there was clinical fusion at month 6. Dynamographic evaluations were performed 11 months after surgery at the walk and trot. The maximum vertical forces exerted during weight bearing by treated and control limbs were compared. No difference was detected at the walk; however, a significant difference was present at the trot (P < 0.05). It was calculated that at the trot the horses placed 90% as much force on the treated limb as on the control limb. Eleven months after surgery, the baskets contained compact and cancellous bone. Ingrowth of bone occurred through all openings, completely filling the baskets and fusing the joints.