An apo form of cytochrome cd1 (nitrite reductase) of Paracoccus denitrificans has been detected immunologically in the periplasm of a mutant that lacks all c-type cytochromes. A method for the preparation of apo-nitrite reductase (lacking both c- and d-type haem) from the holoenzyme wild-type cells has been developed. The apoprotein synthesized by the mutant is indistinguishable from the chemically prepared apoprotein in respect of: (i) subunit molecular weight; (ii) formation of a homodimer; (iii) formation of a homodimer; (iii) properties on anion exchange chromatography. The holoenzyme has similiar properties in respect of (i) and (ii) but behaves differently during anion exchange. A suggested mode of assembly of cytochrome cd1 is translocation into the periplasm of a precursor polypeptide, maturation by a signal peptidase to give an aproportion identical to that prepared chemically from the holoenzyme, followed by insertion of c-type and d-type haem in an as yet unknown order.