The inhibiting action of C2H4 on the first and second limits of the H2+O2 reaction has been studied over a wide range of mixture composition and vessel diameter in KCl-coated vessels. The results are similar to those observed with C2H6, C3H8 and C4H10, except that the inhibition efficiency of C2H4 decreases with pressure. The efficiency of C2H4 is linearly dependent on O2 mole fraction, and virtually independent of H2 mole fraction and vessel diameter. Analysis of reaction products indicates that the C2H4 inhibits directly and not through an oxidation product, as found with CH4 and neopentane. The main primary inhibition reaction at the second limit is the addition of H atoms to C2H4 to form C2H5 radicals, addition reactions with O and OH radicals being apparently of little importance. The decreasing efficiency of C2H4 as the pressure is lowered is attributed to a variation of Q, the fraction of C2H5 radicals destroyed without propagating the chain.