Large-quantity free-standing ZnO nanowires

Large-quantity (grams) one-dimensional ZnO nanowires of different sizes have been synthesized by a simple thermal evaporation of ZnO powder in a tube furnace at a temperature controlled to 1000–1200 °C and pressure to 1–2 Torr air. A mixture of ZnO and graphite powder was used as the source. Fine graphite flakes were used to promote the growth. The graphite flakes are the key for large-quantity yield and were easily removed by oxidation in flowing O2 at about 700 °C for 1–3 h. The scanning- and transmission-electron-microscopic studies show that the diameter and length of the nanowires vary from 20 to 100 nm and 0.5 to 10 μm, respectively. Room temperature photoluminescence studies found that the luminescent intensity depends on the processing conditions. A reduced band edge ultraviolet (380 nm) and deep-band green (520 nm) emission have been observed for these nanowires. Most importantly, the method can be extended to any other oxide nanowires that will be the building block of future nanoscale devices.