A Leaderless mRNA Can Bind to Mammalian 80S Ribosomes and Direct Polypeptide Synthesis in the Absence of Translation Initiation Factors

Translation initiation in eukaryotic cells is known to be a complex multistep process which involves numerous protein factors. Here we demonstrate that leaderless mRNAs with initiator Met-tRNA can bind directly to 80S mammalian ribosomes in the absence of initiation factors and that the complexes thus formed are fully competent for the subsequent steps of polypeptide synthesis. We show that the canonical 48S pathway of eukaryotic translation initiation has no obvious advantage over the 80S pathway of translation initiation on leaderless mRNAs and suggest that, in the presence of competing mRNAs containing a leader, the latter mechanism will be preferred. The direct binding of the leaderless mRNA to the 80S ribosome was precluded when such an mRNA was supplied with a 5' leader, irrespective of whether it was in a totally single-stranded conformation or was prone to base pairing. The striking similarity between the mechanisms of binding of leaderless mRNAs with mammalian 80S or bacterial 70S ribosomes gives support to the idea that the alternative mode of translation initiation used by leaderless mRNAs represents a relic from early steps in the evolution of the translation apparatus.