Reactions N14(d, n)O15(g.s.) and N14(d, n)O15*(6.79 and 6.86 Mev)

The angular distribution of neutrons from the reaction N14(d, n)O15 (g.s.) has been measured at 8 bombarding energies between 1.35 and 2.8 Mev. The same measurements have been made on the neutron groups (unresolved) from the reactions N14(d, n)O15* (6.79 Mev) and N14(d, n)O15* (6.86 Mev) at bombarding energies of 2.55 and 2.7 Mev. Direct-interaction mechanisms are thought to be responsible for most of the observed yields although resonance-like effects are also seen. Neutron yields at forward angles show approximate Butler stripping behavior at all energies in addition to other unexplained processes. The observed yields at large angles can be partially explained by the exchange stripping reaction for the high-Q reaction but can not be explained on this basis for the low-Q reaction.

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