Antibody Production in Corneal Hypersensitivity

The cornea may be sensitized to a soluble protein antigen by the introduction of the antigen directly into the stromal lamellae. One type of reaction which follows such sensitization has been shown to be mediated by specifically induced humoral antibodies. Following a latent period of 10 to 14 days after sensitization, these antibodies combine with residual antigen within the stroma, resulting in the appearance of a clinically observable, pathologic corneal lesion. The lesion is generally manifest by perilimbal injection, small limbal hemorrhages, and a white annular opacity in the corneal stroma.1-5 It has been documented that the white corneal ring is composed of precipitated antigen-antibody complexes and inflammatory cells.6,7 It has also been shown that the immunogenic ring is accompanied by a large inflammatory focus located at the limbus of the involved eye. The predominant cellular element of this inflammatory focus is the plasma cell.2 By means